Political families of Uttar Pradesh


Document History

Original Publish Date: 21 July, 2020

Updated on: 11 September, 2020

In this post we further analyse the families. We categorised them into two - declining and rising. We track down all the families started in 1970s till 2007. Then we assess their performance in the elections held after 2007. This includes 3 General elections and 2 Assembly elections. If they have one at least one election in these 5 elections we call them rising dynasties and rest of them as declining dynasties.

The follwoing table shows the difference the longevity of these two groups

Table 1: Average life span
Success Life span
Declining 22
Rising 35

This chart depicts how the life span of a family varies according to their caste.

Summary of the two categories -

Success land industires N_minister Minister duration (months) school college
Declining 316.33 1.57 0.49 12.51 0.35 0.26
Rising 400.00 2.08 0.73 27.54 0.43 0.43

Here we regress the successful category against a multitude of variables. Given that it is binary dependent variable we are using a probit model here.

Regression Results - Success of dynasties
Dependent variable:
caste_uc 4.908
caste_yadav 5.252
caste_non_yadav_obc 5.140
caste_dalit 5.072
caste_muslim 4.938
minister_duration 0.082**
industry 0.384***
school_college 0.216
land 0.0002
linkage_down 0.813**
Constant -6.222
Observations 189
Log Likelihood -110.679
Akaike Inf. Crit. 243.359
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

caste composition

Educational institutions